with Emily West

Learn a little about me!

Welcome to Simply Strong Training’s Haven!

Hello, and thank you for stepping into my world of wellness! I'm Emily West the founder of Simply Strong Training, I am a dedicated and certified personal trainer with a passion for fitness, a love for learning, and a mission to help individuals not only build their bodies but also cultivate unshakeable confidence.

Before the world of fitness, my professional journey began in the realm of chemistry. Armed with a background in the sciences, I delved into the intricacies of molecules and reactions. While the laboratory provided intellectual fulfillment, I longed for a deeper connection with people and a more dynamic, active pursuit.

In my earlier years, I was an athlete, reveling in the thrill of competition and the joy of pushing my physical boundaries. However, as life progressed, the demands of my chemistry career took precedence, and my athletic pursuits gradually faded into the background. Yet, the fire within me for movement, strength, and personal growth never extinguished.

Driven by a desire to share the transformative power of fitness with others, I pursued certification as a personal trainer. The process was an immersion into the science of exercise, nutrition, and the psychology of motivation. It was a journey that not only expanded my knowledge but also ignited a profound sense of purpose.

Today, I stand proudly as a certified personal trainer, blending the analytical skills of a chemist with the passion and energy of a former athlete. My approach goes beyond physical transformations; it encompasses the holistic well-being of individuals, fostering confidence and resilience through personalized fitness experiences.

I go beyond building bodies and will help you learn how to foster confidence here at Simply Strong Training. While sculpting bodies is undoubtedly a part of what we do, my true joy comes from helping individuals build confidence in themselves. Fitness is not just about physical strength; it's a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and a celebration of what your body can achieve.

Join Me in This Empowering Journey

Whether you're here to embark on a fitness transformation, overcome obstacles, or simply elevate your workout routine, I'm thrilled to be your companion on this empowering journey. Together, let's build not just stronger bodies but also a mindset that conquers challenges with confidence.

Thank you for considering Simply Strong Training as your partner in achieving your fitness and confidence goals. Let's make every rep count!

Emily West